I know that this post is already super late, but still let me express my gratitude here. There are so many things to be thankful last 2018. I consider the year as my GRANDEST year so far… my family and loved ones are all doing great, I met a lot of new friends, achieved some of milestones I envisioned many years ago… and a whole lot of triumphs I did not expect to experience. Truly, God is good all the time! Allow me to share with you in this post all the GREAT things that happened to me in 2018.
PLDT InfoTeach National Quiz Bee Winner
When my students, Carl David and Karl Nikolai won in the Regionals and qualified for the National Quiz Bee, I was like walking in air! This is a dream I always wanted to achieve in my whole teaching career, to finally made it to the national level competitions. With the review and training that we did and with the dedication of my two students, I was really quite confident that they will have this in the bag. Then, I knew it! My students won as the GRAND CHAMPION of the National Quiz Bee! They received the cash price of 45,000 pesos and even a computer package for our school! A great blessing for our school and for my students who truly deserved it because they worked hard to top the competition.
National Training of Trainers for the Trends and Strategies in Career Guidance Program
During our training session in Mindanao Cluster, Siargao Island. |
With my partner from Davao Del Norte, Melanie Mandin. |
For the whole month of August, finally, I was able to complete the four batches of national trainings in career guidance program. As writers of the Grade 11 and 12 Career Guidance Program modules, we were also invited to facilitate the national training for the capacity building programme of our guidance advocates and counselors all around the country.
Natatanging Guro 2018
With my ever supportive school principal,
Madam Lagrimas Bayle. |
During the culmination of the World Teachers Day Celebration, I was recognized as the
Natatanging Guro 2018 of our school. This is my second time to be given with such an honor and I just can’t express how thankful I am to be given with such accolade. I just can’t believe that until now, my fellow teachers believe in me
Work Immersion of our SHS Program was a Success
With SHS TVL teachers during our work immersion partners scouting.
During our SHS Work Immersion Orientation. |
The work immersion program of our school was also my great concern this year. But I am so thankful to God that everything went well in this program and that through the help of dedicated and passionate work immersion teachers in the persons of Ma’am Jackie, Ma’am Shirbenly and Sir Steve, all of our one hundred sixty (160) Grade 12 students were able to be deployed in their respective work immersion venues.
All these successes are for the glory of God for giving me the wisdom and strength to accomplish great things in life. I am hoping and praying for another exciting and fruitful 2019!