Monday, September 23, 2013

A Prayer for Perseverance in Times of Rejections

I intentionally search for this prayer from the booklet PRESENCE "Prayers for Busy People" published by St. Paul Publication. The prayer is about asking for courage in times of troubles in life, particularly in times of rejection. I just feel for this prayer right now. 

It's not easy, Lord, to follow after you.
You take the hard road with joyous leaps and bounds.
But I stumble over every stone and slip into every rut.
You calmly weather each storm
and walk calmly through the night.
But I am buffeted by the winds
and I always falter in darkness.
You always have the right answers, Lord,
for those who confront you.
But my tongue is thick and clumsy.
I cannot articulate what I feel
or what they need to hear.
You have the wisdom and power to meet the needs of men around you.
But I am foolish and ineffective,
and my friends turn away from me in disgust.
I have really tried to relate
to the people about me.
To reach out to them in real love and concern.
I have tried to share their sorrows and their joys.
I have shelved my own ambitions
to respond to their needs.
But when I fail to reproduce for them
what they want,
or when I am limited by my humanity and
incapacitated by my own personal problems,
they will have nothing to do with me.
I feel sometimes as I have been used
only to be abused.
I am squeezed dry by my friends
and then cast aside
as if I was of no further value.
Yet I must continue to follow you, Lord.
It is a hard path to walk
and I am sure that I will falter at times.
I desperately need an occasional oasis of rest
along this journey through wind and sand.
I need desperately your touch of peace and love
As I labor amidst the blood and tears
of this distorted world of ours.
I am empty, Lord, help me to feel your fullness.
Grant me the grace and courage
to be faithful to you in all my daily loving. 

(Adapted from Psalm 35) 

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