Monday, June 2, 2014

Class Opening for S.Y. 2014-2015

This is it! The summer is over and another school year has just begun! I woke so early today, like 4:30 in the morning, just to be sure that I could come to school thirty minutes before the time. As soon as I came to school, I immediately went to the classroom of my advisory class and checked if everything was fine. I found that some armchairs were still covered with dusts, so I still cleaned up everything before they arrived. I also posted a welcome greeting on the door (shown below) for them to feel that they were happily received. 

Unlike last year that I wasn't assigned as an adviser, it's really a different feeling to start a school year with a group of learners entrusted to you, a group of young minds that you should take care of for the whole school year or even beyond that. I believe that this will surely be an exciting school year for me. 

My advisory class is IV-ST. BENEDICT. They seemed so nice. I hope they would continue to behave all throughout the school year. I discussed to them my classroom management and policies and even shared to them my catchy student code of ethics acronym (R.O.A.R) that they should always remember and practice:
R - Respect - because respect begets respect
O - Obedience - obey first before you complain
A - Academic Integrity - there is something that we call "honest score/grade"
R - Responsibility - everyone is responsible for their own learning
Overall, this day is indeed a fruitful and productive day. I already met my other classes and they all seemed so teachable! 

My school head also assigned me to design a campaign poster/signage for the Project S.M.I.L.E. (Serve with Meaning In Life-long Education) of Department of Education. This signage is posted in every visible corner of our school to remind teachers that we should serve and teach with a SMILE.... always! :)

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