Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Throwback Thursday (#TBT)

If you are also active in social network sites like Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, you might be very familiar with Throwback Thursday. I don't know how this digital trend started or who has the credit of coining these words and spreading it as a viral hash tag (#TBT), but one thing for sure is that it is becoming part of our weekly social media routine. There would be no Thursdays that I wouldn't see a post with this hash tag. Most of the times, it's really flooding my news feed, and I bet you're also experiencing the same or perhaps you are already hooked to this installment. Is this just a fad? I don't think so...  It seems that #TBT is here to stay. 

But what is this hash tag? How can we participate with trend correctly?
Based from the different articles that I've read online,  I consolidated the rules or etiquette in using this hash tag and came up with the following five pointers:

  1. Throwback Thursday is meant to be fun. Choose a picture that will amuse your friends.
  2. The picture must be more than 3 to 5 years ago. But the more vintage your photo is, the more it has the right to be posted with #TBT hash tag. So dig in your photo albums, and start scanning your non-digital photos. 
  3. Alright, so Flashback Friday is trying to steal the limelight, then use the #FBF every Friday that you feel nostalgic! But please, it's a big no-no to use #TBT to any other days of the week. I think this rule doesn't need further explanation. 
  4. Consider your friends' sensitivity in posting an old picture with friends and tagging it with them. If you think the person won't be happy about it (a captured picture of his awkward moment). Try to seek his permission first before posting and tagging it.
  5. Do not overuse #TBT. I think posting two throwback pictures every Thursday is enough... posting more than two is already nostalgia overdose. 
It's not even Thursday yet, and I'm starting to see photos with #TBT here in my feed... trying to be an early bird for tomorrow... Wait... I'm seeing a #WackyWednesday tag! What's this? Do we have to set another rule for this? 

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