Saturday, December 7, 2013

Topic for a Class Debate?

Oh-my! One of the tasks that we need to submit for the GURO21 Course 1 is a documentation for a CLASS DEBATE that we need to organize. I am teaching Computer Subjects and I just find it challenging to think for the topic that I can really relate to my field.

The passage of Cybercrime Law, which criminalizes any forms of computer crimes, is no longer an issue since it's officially recorded as a Republic Act No. 10175. I am thinking of the advantages versus the disadvantages of ICT in our lives, but is it really a debatable issue?  I am also considering the issue that Facebook should be totally banned among high school students... now this one could be something argumentative. Being hooked to online games is also a prospect topic for the class debate. I am giving myself to decide until this afternoon, so that I can still prepare the reference materials to guide my students in their research. 

The module task also requires me to be observed by my instructional supervisor to assess the following aspects of my 21st Century Classroom Facilitation Skills:

  1. Facilitation style
  2. Accommodation of different learning styles
  3. Provision of learning environment that is conducive for active learning, higher order thinking and contextual learning
  4. Questioning and reacting skills

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