Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year World!

So it's goodbye 2014 and hello 2015!

I pray that this new year brings us new hope and courage to continuously pursue our dreams. We should be thankful to The One that gave us the past 365 days and be even more thankful for the chance to make all things new next year.

Image Source:

#HappyNewYear #Hello2015

Sunday, December 28, 2014

FVPHSTI Tree Planting – A Campaign for Environment

Allow me dedicate a post for this very fulfilling project of Federation of Valenzuela Public High School Teachers Inc. Through the efforts of the federation officers, a tree planting drive was successfully held last October 6 at Barangay Lingunan. This was in cooperation with Clean and Green Office and Public Sanitation and Cleanliness Office of Valenzuela City.

Many high school teachers from different schools attended this event. The dump site was suddenly turned into a nursery of trees and shrubs. It was fulfilling because it was actually my first time to experience tree planting as a community service. The day we spent in this kind of activity was all worth it. We were all tired after the event, but we went home with a smile knowing that somehow those seedlings that we planted would someday become huge and strong trees that could help to reduce the greenhouse effect and fight climate change. Thereby, securing a safer environment for the future generation.

By this simple act, we can fight climate change!

Groupie with my fellow Gen. T. High teachers, who also
woke up so early for this event

Together with Dr. Basil Sison, Head of Agriculture
and Clean and Green Department

My Catching-Up Post

Welcome ME back again blogging world! It’s been like so many months since I last posted here. My apologies, I was overwhelmed with so much happenings that I can’t find the time to post some updates here. So thankful for this holiday vacation that gives me a little luxury of time to enjoy and dedicate to some of my leisure pursuits (yes… like this blogging).

So what happened to me during that almost three-month hiatus? As expected (really huh? LOLs), my schedule was crowded with school-related activities, professional development assemblies, web development trainings and writing workshops. These are the highlights:


Last September 24, together with my fellow ICT teachers, we attended the Tech Tutor 6 at SM Megamall, with the theme “The Mobile e-Learning Revolution.” This learning engagement with the great IT expert, Jerry Liao and other speakers was a showcase of latest technologies that support learning beyond the classroom walls. Smartphones and tablets are indeed becoming ubiquitous and their potentials to transform our education to the next level is indeed very promising. That is how I see the gist of this seminar.

Photo Credits: Jeffry Reovoca


Again, the celebration of World Teachers Day in our school last September 1 to October 5 was a hit! Banners that show appreciation and dedication to teachers were posted on the school lobby and hallways. Letters of endearment and token of appreciation to teachers were received. Greetings flooded our Facebook timeline and inbox. Truly, the feeling is magical. These are the moments when I feel so blessed that I am a teacher. Of course, student teaching was also organized by the Student Supreme Government (SSG). During the culminating ceremony, we were both surprised by my student teacher, Christian Sabadisto of IV – Gatus, when he was called as the Best Student Teacher for senior category. A citation that is well-deserved, because this young aspiring teacher is really good.

Christian Sabadisto, Best Student Teacher (Senior Category)
Photo Credits: Christian Sabadisto


As part of the Division of Valenzuela’s goal to create an endless learning opportunities for both the teachers and students, every school in the division was required to develop a school website with virtual classroom. This project was made possible through 88DB as the website host. Every school was given a website domain.

However, the teachers, who were in-charge of website development, lacked the required skills to accomplish the website. This became our rationale in proposing a training design to help the teachers acquire skills in web development and enhance the visual appearance of their school websites. Together with Mrs. Jean Tropel, a Master Teacher of Valenzuela City School of Mathematics and Science, we proposed the training to Mr. Wilfredo Cabral, our Division Superintendent and we were fortunate that it was approved. Last October 7 to 9, we successfully conducted this three-day training and helped the teachers to develop their school web and content visual elements.   

Confession 101: This is my first time to become a workshop trainer... a great milestone indeed!  

A priceless picture with Ma'am Jean Tropel, Dr. Winnie Tugade, EPS in English
and Dr. Jenny Rose Corpuz, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


I, together with Mrs. Jenny Loseñada, was assigned by our head teacher-in-charge to attend the Google Teachers Workshop last November 15 at De Las Salle-College of Saint Benilde. This was a very interactive seminar-workshop with a lot of hands-on activities to train the teachers how to maximize the use of some Google applications to enhance the teaching and learning experience. I really like Google Docs, it has a feature wherein teachers and students can collaborate to work on a particular project.

A photo souvenir from the event's photo booth (cool!)
And yes... I forgot to apply a retro filter on this one. LOLs


Last December 1and 2, I was again invited by the DepEd Central to attend the Revision and Finalization of Grade 4 Teacher’s Guides and Learner’s Materials for EPP-ICT. It was held at Emiramona Garden Hotel, Tagaytay City. I was glad to know that there were just some few minimal revisions as suggested by the content experts. It was from the language experts that we received a lot of suggestions for revisions. I would say that there is really a need for a seminar-workshop in Orthography of Filipino language for content writers. Hopefully, I could attend one someday.

Module content writers at work!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Anyone Can Teach? Think Again

This is for everyone who thinks that teaching is just like a walk in the park. 
That anybody can easily do this job...

Let this infographic debunk the three myths about teaching:


Myth 1: Anyone can teach
WRONG! This idea is non-sense. Try organizing a child's birthday party or chaperoning a high school dance.

Myth 2: Teacher preparation is not much use
WRONG! Studies over the last 30 years show that fully prepared teachers are more highly rated and more effective with students.

Myth 3: Teachers don't work hard enough
WRONG! Teachers have little time during the day for planning, locating materials, talking with parents, meeting individually with students, or grading papers, they do all of these things after school hours, typically well into the evenings or on weekends.

Teaching is more than a profession, it is a noble duty of shaping the future of this nation. Like a candle, teachers allow themselves to be consumed just to light the path of the young minds, to help them achieve their full potential. 


Saturday, September 20, 2014

PAGASA Rainfall and Flood Warning System

Tropical storm “Mario” hit and caused flood in the greater part of the Metro. Classes are suspended and even some government offices decided to suspend their work because of the heavy rainfall and flooded area.

Many were surprised about the intense rainfall brought by “Mario.” Well perhaps, if most of the people were properly informed by the latest rainfall and flood warning system by Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), they could have prepared earlier.   

Hence, I feel the need for this post. Let us be aware of the new PAGASA Rainfall and Flood Warning System and how they should be interpreted.

This is the visual infographic of PAGASA about their rainfall warning:

Click this image to enlarge the view

Meanings of the Color-Coded Warning Signals

Yellow Warning – there is a continuous heavy rain that can be expected for the next two hours. Flooding is possible. People should monitor the weather conditions by listening to weather updates to be constantly informed.

Orange Warning – there is a continuous intense rain that can be expected for the next two hours. Flooding is threatening and people should be alert by now for possible evacuation, most particularly those who are living in low lying areas.

Red Warning – this signal is an emergency call. Serious flooding is expected because the critical level of rainfall has been reached and the intense rain is expected to continue for next two hours. Flooding is serious and people who live in the low lying areas are advised to evacuate.

Sa ganitong mga panahon, ang susi ng ating kaligtasan ay ang laging pagiging handa.
Maging mapagmatyag at alerto rin tayo.

Stay safe everyone! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Adventures of Stickman

Classes are suspended today because of the bad weather. To keep myself busy while at home, I read three chapters of my book about research and scientific writing and updated my OneNote lectures about these chapters.

While reading and freewriting simultaneously, I just found myself stuck and running out of ideas. So I decided to chill out for a while by updating my social media sites and surfing the net for fun…

Then I stumbled upon with this amazing site that really made my day:

This site offers an application wherein you can draw the stickman that will play as the hero of a short adventure. It is very interactive. You need to guide your stickman as the story progresses by drawing some tools or weapons that he will need. There are two episodes that are currently available:

EPISODE 1: Your stickman will battle against dragon and escape from hungry sharks!

EPISODE 2: Guide your stickman as he outwits an awakened tiger to rescue other stickmen on top of the tree.

To whoever made this online application… thanks so much! I had fun animating my own stickman and helping him in his very comical adventures! :D

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Division Website Development ,Roll-Out on RPMS and Parent-Teacher-Conference

As my last catching up post about the past events that made me so busy for the past two months, let me share about the Division Website Development, our school’s Roll-Out on Results Based Performance Management System and Parent-Teacher Conference:

Division Website Development

Last July 31, I was invited as one of the facilitators in preparation of materials for the website development. As part of our Division’s journey to the apex of SEAL of Excellence, all public schools were required to develop a website with virtual classroom. Elementary and Secondary ICT coordinators were gathered to attend a mini-workshop on how to use the 88DB online web editor in developing their school website. A demonstration on how to maximize the virtual classroom was also conducted to enhance the learning experience of the students.

With the 88DB web development team (our host provider), Dr. Belino, Division Planning Officer and Mrs. Jean Tropel, ValMaSci Master Teacher:

Roll-Out on Results Based Performance Management System

Last August 16, we held our roll-out on Results Based Performance Management System (RPMS). I was at the write-shop when I read the announcement of our principal posted on her Facebook timeline that she is expecting 100% attendance for this In-Set. I aimed to finish my revisions a day before the last day of our write-shop, so that I could attend the learning engagement.

During the plenary session, our school head and department head teachers gave us a comprehensive lecture about this new performance system of Department of Education. At first, I was kind of reluctant about this new assessment scheme, but as the truth about its framework, features and its aims to motivate teachers to improve better performance and quality of work by making this as one of the basis for the PBB grant were unveiled to us………… we were like…. okay we really need take this one seriously.

During our concurrent breakout session, we were tasked to write our SMART objectives for the following KRAs:

  • Teaching-Learning Process
  • Students Outcome
  • Community Involvement
  • Professional Growth
  • Tardiness
  • Attendance

With my fellow TLE teachers, while writing about our objectives and required competencies for each KRAs:

Parent-Teacher Conference

After whole-day school-based learning engagement about RPMS, I went home immediately to prepare for the First Quarter PTC. Working overnight, I encoded the grades in composite grading sheet, print dummy cards and certificates of recognition for my class achievers (this is the most demanding part of being a class adviser). I also prepared my agenda for the meeting with the parents.

During the PTC, I discussed to the parents about the school policies, rules and regulations, proper grooming, absenteeism and class performance. I also reminded them about their significant role about the success of their children in school.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Nutrition Month 2014 Culminating Activity and Awarding Ceremony

Last July 30, 2014, we held the Awarding Ceremony and Culminating Activity of Nutrition Month with the theme “Kalamidad Paghandaan: Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan!” I considered this as one of the most successful awarding ceremonies we have ever organized. As the TLE Club adviser, I’ve witnessed how my fellow TLE teachers committed their time and effort in facilitating the different contests for this month-long celebration. With the combined efforts of the TLE faculty, TLE Club and Junior Computer Club, and with the support from our school administrators, we successfully staged this most highlighted event of our department.

The program started with a National Anthem led by Mrs. Rosanna Isidro and followed by an Opening Prayer by Mr. Jeffry Reovoca.

Our Head Teacher-In-Charge, Mrs. Rona Reyes, in her welcome remarks, stressed the importance of disaster survival skills, particularly in preparing meals that are still nutritious despite of scarcity in food resources.

Mrs. Corazon Tanfelix, our former Head Teacher, became very emotional while giving her inspirational message. She already passed the Principal’s Test last summer and she was immediately assigned as an Officer-In-Charge of the Serrano Elementary School. She was teary-eyed when she gave her speech because she used to supervise this program as our former head teacher. As a surprise, we gave her a plaque of appreciation for her empowering leadership and unconditional love and support for the department in the past 18 years.

Our emcees, Danica Gonzales and Christian Sabadisto, two of my brightest students from IV-St. Peter:

Amazing performance from our Nutri-Jingle champion in grade 7 category:

Announcing the contest winners of Nutrition Month 2014:

Photo credits: Chelsea Salva and Diane Salazar (IV-St. Peter)

It feels so great to know that our department worked hand in hand for the success of this event. Truly, cooperation is still the most powerful force for every organization to triumph in its endeavor.

Monday, September 8, 2014

10-Day National K to 12 Writeshop for Development of EPP-ICT Teacher's Guides and Learner's Materials

As part of the implementation of the K to 12 program and in preparation for the S.Y. 2015-2016, the Bureau of Elementary Education, Curriculum Development Division invited writers from different regions of the country to attend the Ten-Day Write-shop on the Development of Grade 4 Learner’s Materials (LMs) and Teacher’s Guides (TGs).

I was so fortunate to be invited as one of the writers on this recently concluded write-shop. This was held last July 14 – 24, 2014 at Oasis Hotel and Resort, Tanza, Cavite.

As soon as we arrived at Oasis Hotel and Resort, an orientation program was held to give preliminary instructions to all the writers about important schedules, requirements and layouts that we should comply for the camera-ready outputs.

The writing table, which became my dear companion
during the 10-day write-shop
After the orientation, we proceeded to concurrent breakout sessions, so that every subject area could further talk about the LMs and TGs format and page requirements. I was assigned to the EPP-ICT 4 team together with my co-writers, Mr. Virgilio Laggui and Mrs. Eden Samadan. Our team is supervised by our consultant, Dr. Mona Sasing, and our team secretary and Education Program Specialist, Mrs. Glenda Granadozin (she was the one who endorsed me to be part of the team... thanks so much madam!).

With Ma'am Glenda, our very dedicated writing team secretary!

This was actually my first write-shop experience. I was kind of very conscious if I am doing my task right. From time to time, I would ask Ma’am Glenda, our team secretary if my write-ups are okay. Dr. Sasing, our consultant, would comment on our work and suggest some revisions to improve our write-ups.  

I was again invited last August 11-16, for the finalization of the LMs and TGs. Once more, we stayed in Oasis Hotel and Resort for final critiquing and content reviewing of our camera-ready outputs.

During the finalization of the LMs and TGs at Mojave Function Room

I feel so blessed to be with this group of very inspiring writers
from different parts of the country

To God be the glory!

This was indeed a one of a kind experience I would never forget! I learned a lot from this write-shop. It feels so overwhelming to be part of this endeavor. Being part of LMs and TGs development for the incoming Grade 4 made me realized that as a module writer, my role is very critical in designing instructional strategies that will not only meet the content and learning competencies, but will also guide and support the Filipino learners on their quest for a more meaningful education. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

I Miss This Blogging Thing So Much

Wow! It’s nice to be back in blogging!

It’s been like almost two months ago since I last posted here… And guess what… yeah…  I missed the whole month of August! :O Sorry my dear blog for this long gap, I was just so busy dealing with many personal and professional commitments.

Let me share an overview of different events that happened for the past two months that made me very occupied:
  • Nutrition Month Culminating Activity and Awarding Ceremony
  • 10-Day National K to 12 Writeshop for Development of EPP-ICT Learners Materials and Teachers Guides
  • DepEd Valenzuela Website Materials Preparation
  • First Quarter Examination
  • 6-Day Finalization of EPP-ICT Learners Materials and Teachers Guides
  • Roll out on Results-Based Program Management System
  • First Quarter Parent-Teacher Conference

As much as I really wanted to publish a blog post about these important affairs, my frenzied schedule did not really permit me to do so. I don’t know… but I’m sure that I’m not losing my fondness in blogging. I made a pact with the stars in the night sky (darn serious I really did) that I will never stop cultivating this online travelogue of my wonderful journey as an educator until the twilight years of my career.  -_-

Okay… So much for this musing and self-consoling… This is not really an issue that needs a pity-party LOL! At least, for this month I can find a way to update this blog more often, since my schedule will be more relaxed…

For the following days, my plan is to write about these events at least one post at a time.

There is just this one thing that I realized about blogging. I find it very ironic, because when there are a lot of events that I really wanted to share in this blog, it’ so hard to find the time to do it. Well, perhaps it’s because of the plain fact that I am totally engrossed with the current endeavor.    

Is it only me? Or perhaps all bloggers experienced the same way too. 

#BerMonths #September2014 #ComeBackPost

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Nutrition Month 2014 Theme

This year’s Nutrition Month theme was already approved by the National Nutrition Council: “Kalamidad Paghandaan: Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan!”

Source: National Nutrition Council

Last June 23, our department had a meeting to plan for the schedule of activities we will hold for the month-long celebration. The following are the meaningful activities that we will conduct:
  • Nutri-Quiz Bee
  • Essay Writing 
  • Manual Poster Making Contest
  • Electronic Poster Making Contest
  • Electronic Slogan Making Contest
  • Nutri-Jingle

As a community service activity, we will also conduct a Disaster Survival Cooking Demonstration that will instruct the parents living in flood zone areas on how to prepare nutritious meals out of limited available resources during calamities.  

The Poracay Escapade

I know this is a bit too late, but still let me share this experience when we went to Poracay Resort in Porac, Pampanga last May 25.

At first, I was kind of indifferent about the idea of joining my colleagues in this outing that I would rather stay inside my room and read my philosophy books. But, the social animal inside started to creep in and I just found myself packing my things for this summer trip.

And I was right… this was one of the best summer escapades I've ever experienced (though I seldom join this kind of event). I was indeed so thankful that I didn't miss this chance to bond with my fellow teachers.

The most exciting part about this Poracay escapade was when I, together with Leila, tried to experience Hydro Zorbing… All the while, when we were buying our tickets for this amenity, we were thinking that the ride is just a kiddie thing... we will just roll inside a big inflated zorb balloon while floating in a shallow pool. But we were wrong. When we saw the facility for hydro zorbing, we were both shocked how steep the slope where the zorb balloon will roll down to the pool.

I was about to tell Leila if she would like to quit and refund our money, but I can see how eager and excited she was for this… “Great! I am also up to the challenge!” and yes I declared this with a very shaky voice. LOL :D

Before Hydro Zorbing...

And this is how we rolled... 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

PGCB Conference at ADMU (Day 2-3)

Day 2 (May 30)

The second day of this conference was equally full of learning experiences. We had the plenary session with Dr. Christine Lim of National Institute of Education in Singapore. She talked about "Development through Lesson Study." She showed us some videos showing how teachers can collaboratively improve lessons to a more student-centered and authentic learning experience. 

In the afternoon, I joined my fellow teachers, who are Science major, in a semi-plenary session at Escaler Hall. The topic was all about "Science Teaching that Makes Practical Sense." Dr. Lee Yew Jin of National Institute of Education humorously discussed how science should be taught to learners in a more practical way. Here is the outline of his topic:

  • Making science relevant and engaging
  • Inquiry works but we all need practice
  • Learning with students and other teachers
  • The importance of feedback from teachers and peers
According to Dr. Jin, while good teaching is certainly important, what perhaps is more important is the quality of student learning that occurs in our classrooms.

Dr. Lee Yew Jin of National Institute of Education
In the afternoon, we attended two concurrent breakout sessions with the following topics:

  • "Using Teacher Prepared Videos in Teaching Physics" by Mr. Bonifacio Caculitan Jr.
  • "Measuring the Acceleration Due to Gravity Using a Massive Metal Ball and a Smaller Wooden Ball" by Mr. Arcenoel D. Zapatos
  • "Virtual Laboratory Method in Teaching Electricity" by Ms. Carina D. Cabuguas

Day 3 (May 31)

The last of day of the conference and still we were all excited and anticipating of what insights we could learn from our plenary and breakout sessions. We were all amazed by our plenary  speaker in the person of Ms. Roselle Ambubuyog of Freedom Scientific. She has a very inspiring story. Despite of being blind since the age of six, she became successful in her studies and even graduated as class valedictorian among all summa cum laude graduates at ADMU. She actually reminded me of Helen Keller. On the personal note, I consider her talk about "Teachers Who Saw the Vision of a Blind Student" as a call to all of teachers to never give up on our students. Just like Roselle's teachers, who became so patient with her condition and guided her to achieve her dreams. 

Roselle Ambubuyog receives her token of appreciation as plenary speaker

I attended the last concurrent breakout session at David Hall for the topic "Using Music Inside the Classroom" by Vin Dancel and Tina Zamora from Republikha. They talked about how music can be integrated to the learning experiences of grade school pupils. They even shared some tracks on their official album, which features educational songs composed and sung by some of our contemporary music artists. 

After the breakout session, we went back to Irwin Theater for the closing ceremony. The audience went delirous when Mr. Ebe Dancel (lead vocalist of Sugarfree) performed a song tribute (Makita Kang Muli) for all the teachers. He even performed another song (Tulog Na) 

An inspirational message was given by Dr. Philip Wong, Programme Director, PGCB and this was followed by a closing remarks of Mrs. Carmela C. Oracion, ADMU Center for Education.  

Indeed, this conference was a great learning experience for all the teachers. It enlightened us to transform our practices into a more effective teaching towards increasing student achievement and equipping them the knowledge and skills needed to survive the 21st century. 

By learning you will teach, by teaching you will understand

PGCB Conference at ADMU (Day 1)

Last May 29-31, we attended the culminating activity of the Policy Governance and Capacity Building Programme for Leaders and Educators at Henry Lee Irwin Theater, Ateneo de Manila University. With the theme "Paunlarin ang Pagtuturo, Paunlarin ang Bayan," the conference aimed to showcase interesting strategies, experiences and exchange best practices of teachers who have undergone the various training programme under PGCB organized by Temasek Foundation, Singapore and ADMU. 

Day 1 (May 29)    

At exactly 8:00 AM we arrived at the Irwin Theater for registration and opening ceremony. We were amazed to see the great number of teachers coming from different divisions. Upon registration, we received our conference kits and snack and lunch stubs. We attended the opening ceremony and we were also entertained by cultural presentation from the amazing San Bartolome High School Handuraw Dance Tribe. 

Bagong Silangan Elementary School Choir

San Bartolome High School Handuraw Dance Tribe

Beautiful Costumes

Our first keynote speaker was Mr. Jose Luis M. Oquiñena of Gawad Kalinga. He talked about building the nation through the power of presence. I was personally pleased to hear that they had housing projects for teachers in some provinces in Mindanao. He believed that for a teacher to effectively function, his basic needs like comfortable abode should be addressed first. Gawad Kalinga is indeed a reliable partner of Department of Education. 

Jose Luis M. Oquiñena of Gawad Kalinga on his keynote address

Fr. Bievenido F. Nebres, SJ, ADMU on his inspirational message

After the opening ceremony, we had the plenary session with Dr. Ashley Tan from National Institute of Education. He talked about the "ICT Steps-Social, Student-Centered, Self-Sustaining." I was amazed to know how passionate teachers are in Singapore and how they flexibly integrate ICT through mobile technology in teaching and learning experiences. We also attended one semi-plenary session at Irwin Theater with Ms. Devi Benedicte I. Paez as our speaker. She spoke about "Teaching English Using Filipino: Investigating How and Why Filipino is Used in an Elementary Public School English Classroom."

Dr. Ashley Tan during our Plenary Session

Monday, June 2, 2014

A Quote to Keep Me Going!

I want nothing but the best for this life. 
Now that I made a choice. I should put it into action.

Class Opening for S.Y. 2014-2015

This is it! The summer is over and another school year has just begun! I woke so early today, like 4:30 in the morning, just to be sure that I could come to school thirty minutes before the time. As soon as I came to school, I immediately went to the classroom of my advisory class and checked if everything was fine. I found that some armchairs were still covered with dusts, so I still cleaned up everything before they arrived. I also posted a welcome greeting on the door (shown below) for them to feel that they were happily received. 

Unlike last year that I wasn't assigned as an adviser, it's really a different feeling to start a school year with a group of learners entrusted to you, a group of young minds that you should take care of for the whole school year or even beyond that. I believe that this will surely be an exciting school year for me. 

My advisory class is IV-ST. BENEDICT. They seemed so nice. I hope they would continue to behave all throughout the school year. I discussed to them my classroom management and policies and even shared to them my catchy student code of ethics acronym (R.O.A.R) that they should always remember and practice:
R - Respect - because respect begets respect
O - Obedience - obey first before you complain
A - Academic Integrity - there is something that we call "honest score/grade"
R - Responsibility - everyone is responsible for their own learning
Overall, this day is indeed a fruitful and productive day. I already met my other classes and they all seemed so teachable! 

My school head also assigned me to design a campaign poster/signage for the Project S.M.I.L.E. (Serve with Meaning In Life-long Education) of Department of Education. This signage is posted in every visible corner of our school to remind teachers that we should serve and teach with a SMILE.... always! :)